Sunday 12 April 2009

Resident Evil 5, time flies when you are addicted

I don't think Sam and I were the most popular people in the house this weekend! We picked him up from Sophie's and then he and I set about a "quick" blast at Resident Evil 5. We stopped pretty late at night when I was just too tired to concentrate properly. By this point everyone else had actually gone to bed! I went upstairs to find Toni almost asleep. When I asked her why she had gone to bed she said that she was bored from watching Sam and I play Resident Evil 5 for the last SEVEN HOURS non-stop! OOOPS!

It's been a very long time since I enjoyed a video game so much that I was sucked into playing it so much.

1 comment:

Geminii Glitz said...


You are forgiven!