Monday 28 September 2009

BIG tidy up

Following my stress and panic yesterday after realising that some important documentation had gone missing I decided to follow through with my threat to have a massive tidy up. Made a really good start and the living room is looking pretty good.

The really funny thing is that I actually found the missing documentation in my desk at work! I must have been carrying it around and then dumped it in my desk when I went to a gig cos I didn't want to risk it going missing and then completely forgot about it. Have to admit this did make me really laugh when I found it and at least the tidying up was stress free cos it wasn't being done whilst frantically searching for said documents.

Got loads done but there is still so much more to do! Will be doing a mass filing binge tomorrow night and will see what's left after that for the rest of the week.

1 comment:

Geminii Glitz said...


I missed the tidying frenzy.

That's such a terrible shame....