Tuesday 1 September 2009

Filled in and now waiting

Had the delight of going to the dentist this morning.
As confirmed last week by the dentist on the Isle Of Wight one of my wisdom teeth does have to be removed. As suspected the other one on the same side also has to come out so that will be a lovely double whammy for me! Due to the nature of the holes in the teeth I have to be referred to a dental surgeon to have them yanked. On the plus side I can have them done under a general rather than local.

Dentist put in temporary packing to help me survive until my referral comes through.

It was agony all day and night but did settle down after much painkillers were taken.
Soup and catching up with Summerlsam also helped to take the edge off of it a bit.

Now I have to wait...............could be days, weeks, months....... JOY!

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