Saturday 3 April 2010

Rainy Eltham and sunny Bexhill on Sea

Got up early again this morning as Toni, Gemima and I were all off to Bexhill on Sea to go and visit Toni's nan. It was a lovely rainy day, just right for getting you in the mood for going to the seaside LOL.

I took a quick opportunity to take some pics of the view outside of Toni's house before we left:

We then headed off for Bexhill on Sea in what appeared to be a very uneventful journey (well how would I know, I slept all the way) but it was nice to wake up when we were almost there to find that the sun was shining and it was quite warm.

When we arrived Toni's nan had made us a lovely home made oxtail soup for lunch. She thought it was a bit sweet even to the point of wondering if she had accidentally put Candarel in it rather than salt although I think it was just the onion that was in it that had made it sweet.

Toni, Gemima and I then took a leisurely stroll along the seafront (we strolled and Gemima scootered). Had ice cream and mooched in a book shop which resulted in the inevitable purchases that always happens when we go there. Also managed to take some good pics:

We were rather amused by the one size fits all Mauds for Ladies and Gentleman which offered clothing covering Vintage, Modern and Retro!

After our stroll we went back and watched the Oxford/Cambridge boat race before going out for fish and chips. All full up and happy we then dropped Toni's nan back and then headed back to Eltham (with me once again enjoying a lovely sleep!).

1 comment:

Geminii Glitz said...

and now you are full of beans and the driver is knackered and about to head off to the pit!