Saturday 2 March 2013

Dad visiting and late birthday presents

The household was awake at a reasonable hour today as Sam and Toni went over to Deptford to meet Jade.  I filled the gap with a few episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. I got a call from Toni offering food  so Emma, Gemima and I all bundled onto a bus to Eltham to enjoy the wonders of Coffee Town.

Suitably stuffed we then headed back home again. Jade had left me a late birthday present in the car which I opened when I get home. It was wonderful:

Later in the afternoon Toni and went and collected dad from Mottingham station. He was down for a few days mixing business with pleasure and so was staying with us. Lovely to see him again.

It was a good day for late birthday presents today as I then received more from dad and Stephanie!

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