Sunday 22 December 2013

Dolmen Grove Essex Moot and talk on Two Spirits

All charged up with Yule energy, Toni and I headed off to Stanford-no-Hope for the second Dolmen Grove Essex Moot. I was excited but nervous at the same time as I had volunteered to give a talk.

Once we had set the room up we kicked off proceedings with an energy raising drum session. As we had done a ritual last time, and working on the basis that most people present had probably been participating in Winter Solstice rituals yesterday, I chose to do the drumming instead (especially as I saw it as relevant to my talk). It was a good session that just didn't go on for long enough. I just never get tired of drumming and I have to confess that the energy levels really went through the roof which was fantastic.

After the drumming, I was up. My talk was on gender and Two Spirits and was a combination of talking a bit about me and my path and also sharing information on Two Spirit people. I was really nervous before I started especially as there were four new people there but all went well and it actually turned out to be far more interactive than I had thought it would be. I was delighted and received lots of positive comments afterwards. This has definitely now set me up for preparing a special event day that I hope to be involved with at Wicca Moon at some point in the New Year.

We then had time to chat with each other and have festive drinks and nibbles. Photos courtesy of Oaken:

Once again we had an amazing time with true friends and kindred spirits and it's great to see the Moot slowly growing. It's going to be a really exciting year for us in 2014, I can't wait to see what starts to happen!

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