Tuesday 24 May 2016

Silly twat and Preacher

I wasn't going to blog about this but then decided the story was too funny not to share.I was sitting at my desk at lunchtime and noticed that one of my pens was in the path of the laptop exhaust grill. Thinking the pen might now have very runny ink or be a it leaky I picked it up and drew an asterisk on a napkin that I had. The pen was fine. I then noticed a bit of broken pen lid on my desk and put it on the asterisk I had drawn. I then started talking to a colleague and stood up to chat.

Once this was finished I went to sit down and nearly had a heat attack as in my peripheral vision I spotted a large beast that could have been a spider. Suitably shocked and with adrenalin running I then kicked myself when I realised what I had seen:

One asterisk and piece of plastic apparently does quite resemble a beast. What a silly twat I am!

Tonight we watched the first episode of the new Preacher TV series. I posted the trailer for this yesterday and was very excited. I was not let down. It's got comedy, some nice splatters and some great characters that you can really get behind! 

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