Friday, 12 June 2009

The dangers of writing a blog...

... are that sometimes people can read things and interpret them in a manner that wasn't intended. A blog is a very public, but personal, thing (and yes I could make it private) but in a way it is merely a diary for me and bizarrely a whole load of you actually read this stuff!

Anyhoo, it seems that I have upset a friend with my posts. Stuff read in isolation without knowing what was in my head at the time has been taken the wrong way and that friend is very upset. I am trying to sort it out and smooth it over and hope that I can restore our friendship. My intention with this blog has never been to upset anyone (unless of course you are in need of the fashion police or you have made a direct attack on me).

If I do, unwittingly, offend anyone then please feel free to drop me a note and explain why and we can take it from there. Good friends are hard to come by and I would hate to lose any as a result of my blogging.

Take care people


Mumbles said...

You have offended me with this message.


K.T.Glitz said...

Your message has been noted caller. We are putting you through to someone else...............