Saturday 9 March 2019

Little Miss Busy

It was a busy day for a Saturday. It was productive too so I don't mind it when weekends go like that.

We started off with Toni, Sam and I picking up Jade and Aaron and heading to Miggi's for breakfast. After a bit of food shopping we dropped off the strangers and headed home. Once there it was no rest for the wicked as we loaded up the car with a load of black sacks from the garage and headed to the dump to dispose of them. This is part of our plan to make the garage more functional this year.

Once back from the dump we then decided to defrost the freezer in the kitchen so we decanted all the food down to the garage to start that process. It was long overdue as the amount of ice build up was causing the whole thing to malfunction and the fridge section was also turning into a freezer.

It felt good to do little things that will improve our lives going forwards.

Relaxing time was spent doing a little TV catch up and moving one step closer to finally completing all my DLC for Spider-Man on the PS4.

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