Tuesday 18 December 2007

Hospitals, bunking off and Jeremy Kyle!

No real improvement for Sophie today :o(
She can hardly move, pain hasn't really subsided and she is just so spaced out, it's horrible to watch.

Toni bunked off again today, met me at home (after talking to sick note Sam) and then we went to the hospital. Sophie appreciates having her there (must be that female touch).

Jeremy Kyle rules! I had forgotten how good some trash TV can be and Jeremy Kyle is perfect for passing the hours in hospital. Remember folks that whatever happens there is always someone more likely to make a bigger fool of themselves than you!


Geminii Glitz said...

Glad I could help honey. Any time.

Just as well I lioke spending time with you two!!

Geminii Glitz said...

Pity I can't type though!! lol

Geminii Glitz said...

Oh and by the way, Sophie appreciates having me there because I am so fabulous!!!