Thursday, 29 December 2011

Cursed travel, productive, wedding venue

Second day back and the cursed travel continues. Yesterday was the fault of NXEA and today it was the turn of  Southeastern. This time it was trains reversed from their usual schedule and then a packed station being serviced with a short train meaning that I couldn't get on and had to wait 15 minutes for the next one! Not as bad as yesterday but still fecking annoying nonetheless.

Work was very productive. 'Critical' project is almost complete now and was far less painful than I had feared it might be. Just the chaos of our Vancouver chums trying to implement our workflow next year to look forward to now! LOL

After work I rushed off to meet Toni so we could whizz off for a tour of a potential wedding venue. I'm not going to tell you anything here but we are both very excited about it! More will be revealed in 2012!

Home made turkey soup accompanied by Role Models and snuggling on the sofa finished the evening off very nicely!

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