Saturday 6 February 2021

Gorgeous sky, baking, RuPaul, Wandavision and Anchorman

There was a lovely sky this morning when I got up. These photos don't do it justice...

It put me in a very good mood I have to say. Spirits lifted it was time for the weekly bread baking. These ones came out a really well and I was very happy with them. I love the smell of these baking in the oven.

After the baking I had to do a quick bought of work to complete the migrations for this weekend and then it was time to kick back and relax.

Traditional breakfast was prepared and then there we did a catch up with RuPaul's Drag Race UK and RuPaul's Drag Race. Wasn't happy with the UK elimination but the US one was fine with me.

WandaVision this week was absolutely superb. The reveals are getting bigger each week. This series appears to be the perfect platform to launch the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) Phase Four. It's going to lead into other shows and movies. At the end of the episode we had Wanda's brother Pietro (Quicksilver) appear. The twist was that instead of being played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson from the recent MCU films he as now being played by Evan Peters who had the role in the Fox X-Men movies (prior to the Disney buyout). Funny moment there was Darcy Peters exclaiming, "he's been recast" which fitted beautifully with the TV show angle that WandaVision has been taking. Have to confess that  might have got a bit emotional at that point. I wonder who else might make an appearance in future episodes?

Steak dinner and Anchorman in the evening!

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