Monday, 21 November 2011

Nokia Lumia 800 with Windows Phone - initial thoughts

After work today I went to Nokia House in Soho to go and pick my nice shiny new Nokia Lumia 800 with Windows Phone. After an hour of refreshments, setup and demonstrations I was let out into the wild to go and play with my new toy.

Although the phone will be available in black, cyan and magenta, the black model is the only one available at present.

I'll be reviewing this new phone over the next couple of weeks through my blog so expect lots of mini updates as I uncover new things. Will it break my love of all things Apple, is it a contender and what threat is it to Android phones? All this and more will be coming soon.

First impression is that it's a very slick device. If you have a Windows Live account, social networking is your thing and/or you are an Xbox 360 gamer then this phone will definitely appeal to you as these are two areas where it really comes alive. I'll be expanding on both of these areas once I've played with them more.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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