Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Automation blues, travel hell and dragon tattoos

Today highlighted why testing automation is not always the best thing in the world. With the latest cut of software our automation scripts were less than reliable. Almost a day was spent with two of us adding in resource and it just felt like we had wasted our time. That day could have spent actually testing rather than trying to maintain failing scripts. Automation, nein danke!

My frustration day was followed up by travel hell. Got on the train at Cannon Street only to be told that due to a points failure platforms one to three were out of action, there was only one way in and out of the station and our best bet was to take he first train to London Bridge. So we all got off the train and went to platform four where finding a space to squeeze into was a real challenge. London Bridge was rammed. I made two attempts to get trains to Mottingham and Eltham but failed as the crowds were so dense that the trains had left before I got there. Attempts at getting to Lewisham were aborted due to the sheer volume of people cramming on. In the end I managed to squeeze onto a train to Ladywell and had to be picked up by Toni. This was NOT the journey home that I had wanted or needed!

A lovely dinner and some TNA wrestling was then followed by a nice chill out and the 2008 Swedish version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I've not read the books yet but I really enjoyed this film. I also plan to go and see the 2011 remake to see how that compares.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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