Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Hygenist, new bag and Orpheum rehearsal

This morning started in a less than pleasant way with my latest visit to the Hygenist. This is not a trip that I enjoy but for once I got praised for how good my teeth were which was a very pleasant surprise. I just have to keep up the good work now!

Following on from this good news I collected my stuff from home as the postman arrived and I was delighted to find that I has new bag! New bag is good!

Finally I have the perfect sized bag for my requirement that is functional in every way I could have hoped! YAY!

After a busy day at work full of more madness it was off for some light relief at The Unicorn in Kentish Town with a nice JD & diet coke. Orpheum business followed by a rehearsal at Zed One. Overall it wasn't bad although it wasn't great for me as I started to develop a migraine part way through so I struggled a bit. All is going well though I am pleased to report.

- Posted using BlogPress on my iPhone

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