Monday, 6 February 2012

New beginnings

Today was the start of new beginnings and it was successful on day one. We all woke up at 07:00 and were all up and dressed and downstairs for 07:30. We then all sat down and had breakfast together, this was a real first for a weekday. Having breakfast at all is a novelty!

Work was pretty busy and ended with our usual puppet show/yawn fest. Such a waste of time but I guess it makes management feel important.

Spent a lot of this evening writing letters to various bodies notifying them of name and address changes. I think I've just about covered them all but no doubt something will creep out of the woodwork over time.

In other news I received my new bank card in the name of Glitz! It pleases me much!

Finished the night off with more wedding stuff. We are now moving slowly forward with cake and photographic requirements.


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