Friday, 10 February 2012

Monkey go Ugg, films and trans day

As some of you are probably aware I am not really a fan of Ugg boots. They are a real fashion faux pas for me. Sadly there are a LOT of woman who find then acceptable to wear. It amused me greatly to see this monkey adorned with matching Ugg boot! How tasteful!

The day was spent taking drugs for my teeth, working out new ways to try and eat so I could get off of the liquid diet and also watching films. Three Musketeers, Roast Of David Hasselhof and Four Lions were my entertainment buddies.

In between these activities I also took the opportunity while I was at home to embrace my trans side. It was nice to kick back and wear what I wanted to wear. I am so lucky that Toni loves that side of me and actively encourages and supports me (and provides valuable advice/tips too!)

- Posted using BlogPress on my iPhone

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