Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Ruffled feathers, shite day, roast pork, RAW and girly time

It seems that my blog yesterday ruffled some feathers. Whilst we could debate the rights and wrongs of blogging certain things I am not going to retract what I've put as it was all true. My blog did however cause some rather nasty stuff to appear on Facebook calling me pathetic and questioning my parenting! The next step was for Sophie to unfriend me on Facebook! WOW is all I have to say to that.

The bit I didn't mention on my blog was the fact that Sophie was in hospital with asthma problems. Call me cynical but I find it amazing that she had no hospital admissions while in SWF having given up smoking for 5 weeks and then she goes back to Nottingham and starts smoking again and suddenly she's back in hospital! A combination of smoking and a chest infection was never going to lead anywhere good! Also, I would like to point out that although I am sorry that she ended up in hospital again, and I do hope she recovers quickly, this did not detract from nor make me forget about the consequences and impact of her decision to bugger off again.

All this additional crap just added to my misery over the whole saga which didn't help given that it was also a pretty shite day at work too!

It was a relief to get home and enjoy a fantastic roast pork dinner with all the trimmings. This was complemented by WWE Raw which was a very welcome distraction from the happenings going on around me.

The day was beautifully finished off with some wonderful girly time with Toni!

1 comment:

Dad said...

I have no doubt that social media use doesn't always bring out the best in people. It is too easy to hurl abuse at people, especially if you don't know them. On last week's Question Time, David Dimbleby was quite shocked to hear from two women panellists (that was a novelty in itself) that they were often foully attacked in the QT Twitter feed.

You are very open and honest on your blog. That's not my style but it is yours.

I was shocked and saddened to hear that Sophie had moved out. She has had so much love and support, and we thought that the SWF arrangement was the best of all posible worlds both for her and Sam.

I am sorry that some people were upset by your post. Without knowing who said what I wouldn't like to judge, but if they are not closely involved then it's none of their business.