Friday 5 July 2013

Stress at work and a night out chez T

Well it's been a bit stressful at work. Lots of things going on that are worrying signs. Not for job security but hints aren't right. I am hoping that we can get things sorted out early next week and get everything back to normal again. Fingers crossed that all this gets resolved as soon as possible.

All this was soon forgotten though as Toni and I headed out to Anerley to see Tamsin picking the session that was supposed to have happened last week. Also in da house was Lee Being (of Stanley video fame) and we made a new friend in Dee who was staying for a few days. A good time was had shooting the breeze and having a drink. We also started formulating potential plans for an exciting new project. Sadly it's all under wraps at the moment but all will be revealed in good time when we agree a way forward.

It's been a while since we've seen Tamsin so it was good to catch up again. It was quite an early one for us as we left at 01:30 LMFAO!

- Posted using BlogPress on my iPhone

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