Monday, 30 March 2015

Last day of a long weekend and recording Toni

It was the last day of a long weekend today. I didn't quote go as planned LOL. Toni took the Polo to the garage first thing and ended up spending the whole day there, turned out it wasn't a quick fix! I tidied up and hoovered downstairs and managed to fit in a little bit of The Order 1886 and the had a quick attempt at Bloodborne which had just arrived in the post.

I spent a bit of time planning out how I am going to set up my recording stuff in The Studio as well as starting to source any missing hardware that I might need.

Phase one started tonight as I rigged up some gear to record Toni reading a spoken piece that will be used for a ritual at our Dolmen Grove Beltane Camp. All was good and I can't wait to get everything set up properly

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