Tuesday, 3 March 2015

The Science Of Self-Realization, Krishnacore, TV catch up and sleep

 I've started to become more mindful of who I am and what I eat. I took a break from my usual wheat based lunch and opted for sushi instead. Very tasty, very filling and without all that nasty bloating or feeling rough. I even took time out for a proper lunch break rather than eating and working. I started reading The Science Of Self-Realization (TSOSR).

I also discovered Krishnacore as a hardcore punk genre today as well. I had no idea this was even a thing! It all came about when I was checking something to do with the Cro-Mags (a band that I love) and their singer had said that they were not a Krishnacore band but do have lyrics based around Krishna. principles. As a result of investigating Krishnacore I did come across two bands that I am quote enjoying listening to: Shelter and 108. It's always good to discover something new!

After work we had a massive TV catch up on Star Wars Rebels, Better Call Saul and Gotham. After that I read a bit more of TSOSR and drifted into an amazing sleep!

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