Tuesday 30 June 2015

Train hell, A&E and a lovely moon

The plan had been to go and see Minions tonight but sadly the Universe conspired against us. I met Sam at Cannon Street as usual only to find that there were signalling problems causing havoc with the trains. Sam was limping really badly when he turned up and could hardly walk up the platform. This was due to it giving out on him at work and then falling down the stairs there. We managed to get a seat on a train and waited on it for thirty odd minutes before we were told by the driver over the tannoy that it "might" be cancelled. Apparently a member of staff was supposed to have walked up the platform and informed everyone on the train that they had to get off. This didn't happen. Some people had bailed out early but we had held tight due to Sam's ankle. We struggled to make it to the next train as Sam just couldn't move fast only to find that it was completely rammed so we opted to get on the train on the adjacent platform as it was nearly empty.

I updated Toni on what was going on and she arranged to come and get us at Westcombe Park so that we could then take Sam straight to A&E at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, much to his disgust. There were no wheelchairs around so he struggled to get into the waiting area. I got him to sit down and then at 19:30 I booked him in and we sent straight through to the Urgent Care Centre, fortunately  a nurse had found a wheelchair. We were seen after about ten minutes and were then sent off to the X-Ray Department. We got there at about 19:45 where there was a longer wait. After the x-ray was done we were sent back to the Urgent Care Centre and were back there by about 20:25. Sam had been ribbed by one of the nurses because he was carrying my handbag on his lap:

At around 21:25 Sam was seen by a doctor and his x-ray was studied. Turned out they didn't think there was any fracture or break and they thought it was a really bad sprain although he has been referred to the Fracture Clinic at a later date just in case. He was given a walking boot and put on crutches and told to take a minimum of two days off to try and get it to settle done. We were all done by 21:40 and headed home again. Just over two hours in and out of A&E was pretty damn good in my book, we had feared being there half the night!

When we got home I headed out into the garden for some moon photography with the new camera. I have to say I was very impressed with the results:

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