Thursday 27 October 2016

IPL session and emotional response

It was off to Avalon Laser Clinic in Bromley tonight for my next bought of IPL. I haven't been since May and Sarah was pretty impressed with how things were looking after such a long break. Usually I have my IPL done while wearing headphones to distract myself from the noise of the machine and to try and help me relax more but I decided to do it without today.

It was actually a very quick session. Most areas I hardly notice anything during the treatment and it's only the stubborn goatee area now which causes any real discomfort.

As has happened in the past I got quite emotional during the treatment. Today was more obvious than before. I've spent the past few months more in 'boy' mode and it didn't really feel right, it was like something was missing. Having my treatment tonight reminded me why I was having it at all. It became very clear to me that it was time to ditch 'boy' mode and head back into the comfort of girl mode to actually feel properly comfortable about who I am.

I think there will be a few changes coming on very shortly. They might be subtle but they'll be obvious to me LOL

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