Wednesday 25 December 2019

Foodmass shenanigans

So today we celebrated Foodmass, the annual event of nomming at this time of year. As is traditional we did not get up early.

Toni and I kicked our day off with some crackling, cheese and wurst that we brought back from Berlin (the wurst was donkey, deer and pheasant/cognac). Absolutely delicious. This was accompanied by our first Christmas film, The Polar Express.

We then started prepping the turkey ready for our big feast later in the day. We cooked our gammon joint yesterday night to get ahead of the game which was how we could have crackling for breakfast so we won't be short on meat!

Tea was made and we settled down to watch Scrooged as part of our essential Christmas viewing.

More dinner preparations came next and then we treated ourselves to a wee drinkie and some nibbles accompanied by Love Actually.

At 19:00 dinner was finally all ready to be consumed!

Sam had an alternative Foodmas dinner, meat in stottie bread

Muppet's Christmas Carol was next in our list of essential viewing.

Today was the latest that we've ever done our gift exchange. It was nice to realise that this not a primary focus of our day.

One of the other things we bought in Berlin was this wonderful Weihnachtspyramide. Brings so many childhood Christmas memories for me :)

Our day finished off with National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

It was an absolutely wonderful day. Relaxed, good company fun, laughter, amazing food. Perfect!

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