Sunday 15 December 2019

Four days to go and The Empire Strikes Back

Four days left now!

The Empire Strikes was pivotal in taking the Star Wars franchise to the next level and also kick started unexpected plot twists in films. I'll never forget that moment when I was in line with mum to see it for the first time in 1980 (I was 10) and a kid came out of the previous screening saying to his parent, "I didn't realise Darth Vader was Luke's father." There was innocent young me thinking, "He isn't". Oh that feeling of surprise when the truth became apparent. Such a brilliant film that at this moment in time site in my top spot. Yes, we watched Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back tonight!

Yesterday evening the Fortnite game ran a special event for The Rise Of Skywalker which gave us another clip. As usual, don't watch if you don't want......

Here it is without the fortnight overlay:

Here.s the next raft of TV spots....

If you fancy something Star Warsy that is a little bit different then here's a pretty cool fan film called Remnants Of The Order......

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