Thursday, 2 October 2014

Agile/Scrum training day one and great back news

After a year of trying to wrestle with Agile and Scrum we finally got round to get some actual real training. Things didn't start well with the first 90 minutes or so spent slagging off the waterfall model and trying to perpetuate some myths around that model. My experience was 100% at odds with what was being "taught". Once we had got past that the course settled down into explaining the strengths and benefits of Agile and Scrum and how they had improved things in various companies including ours.

There were lots of good exercises included and overall it was quite interesting. I have to confess that I was still little skeptical about the whole thing by the time I had to leave. Unfortunately it was a long running course and I had to bail out early for an Osteopath appointment so I missed the end of day one which was actually the bit I was most wanting to do.

I am pleased to report that I had a really good session with the Osteopath and he is very happy with how I have been responding to my treatment. My next appointment has now been pushed back to six weeks time and all being well after that I should just be able to pop in for the odd check up. My plan is to have another back scan so that I can really see how well things have gone.

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