Tuesday 17 May 2016

Frustrating Bloodborne and Silent Hill

As it was Toni's yoga night I had promised Sam that he had an hour to convince me that Bloodborne was a game that I should start again and that I would enjoy it. I bought it when it first came out but I got very frustrated with what seemed like a very steep learning curve and just stopped playing. It was time to reset and try again. Only it wasn't....

The game needed to do an update but there was an option to continue playing without doing it. Sadly this didn't actually work and the game just got stuck on the loading screen. Various combinations of restart, disc out/in etc didn't make any difference. Instead we opted to do the update. We then hit the next roadblock as the update was many gigabytes and everything was on a go slow. The Bloodborne plan was abandoned and will be done another day (once the update has finished).

It was back to horror movies instead and this time we went for Silent Hill. I wasn't sure what this was going to be like. The video games were pretty cool but most game to film transitions don't fare that well. It wasn't too bad overall. There was great CGI and some really ropy stuff. Certain parts of the film felt very much like the game, others less so. I was delighted that blood spurts were the order of the day :). Definitely a pizza movie but not a must watch one.

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