Sunday 8 November 2020

Star Wars stuff and Best Ink

Well the word has changed a bit and we don't have any new Star Wars movies on the horizon at present but there is still plenty going on in the Star Wars Universe. We have the Mandalorian on Disney+ and the Obi-Wan Kenobi series starts shooting in 2021 so the TV fix is still there.

Coming to Disney+ on November 17th we have the LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special. Thankfully this is not a remake of the truly dire Star Wars Holiday Special (nor are we ever likely to see that abomination appear in any official format). The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special does look fun though (as the LEGO Star Wars things usually are).

I've almost finished reading all the current canon Star Wars novels now. I just have the expanded The Rise Of Skywalker to go and then I'll be done. So far nearly all of these novel have been excellent and I hope this trend continues. Once I am done with TROS I think I might return to working my way through the Legends books. 

As Toni had a rough night I left her to catch up some much needed sleep so I spent a few hours playing Star Wars: Squadrons on the PS4. Loving the story mode and I seem to have become at playing it so there was no rage quitting today!

We exhausted Tattoos After Dark today so moved on to our next tattoo shop fix, This was a competition show that was very similar to Ink Master called Best Ink. Once we have done this one we'll be burning out way through Miami Ink, LA Ink, NY Ink and London Ink. That will keep us going for a while!

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