Monday 23 August 2010

Rain, evacuation, boredom, geetar!

Today didn't start off too well! Got to Mottingham train station only for the heavens to open up. There is a time and a place for rain but not when I am on my way to work and the umbrella isn't easily accessible! Thankfully I didn't get too wet!

The only exciting part of the day today was having an emergency evacuation. Off we trotted out of the building like good little sheep to clog up one of the streets by St Paul's. There were quite a lot of us:

Half an hour later we all shuffled back in again for what transpired to be a day full of frustration and boredom. It was a great relief when it was finally time to go home!

Got in and had a quick chat with Sam, Livvy and Connor (and Tristan when he arrived) before I had a short blast on Wolfenstein on the PS3. Sadly I just couldn't get past the level I was on so went off to do some Glitzine work instead.

Highlight of the day for me was winning another Thunderbird bass on eBay which I am picking up on Wednesday all being well!

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