Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Less than successful day, Capitals stress, Orpheum prep and Sam's birthday

Today's work rating was not quite as good as yesterday. Minor irritations and general silliness creeping in meant that today had to been deemed less than successful and so we'll have to score a humbe:

To cap off a not great day I then had to deal with a great deal of Edinburgh Capitals stress. A press article appeared today that sent a tidal wave across the fan base. We were less than impressed and had to talk to the paper in question about libel. It took until late in the evening to actually get together a Press Release response that we were happy with to try and salvage something from the situation to try and get the torches and pitchforks brigade under control. There is still a lot of anger out there but things are a little calmer. This was certainly something that I could have done without today!

Also managed to get some prep work done ready for the Orpheum photo shoot that is coming up this weekend! Really can't wait for that, it's going to be great.

Apart from getting involved with the above mentioned I did at least manage to spent some time with Sam on his birthday. He was delighted when I came in from work with a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. He was even happier when he opened his present. It was a copy of the original Warhammer Mass Combat system from way back in 1982, the game that started it all!
Sam and I had Chinese for dinner and entertained oursleves with WWE RAW, the final two episodes of Warehouse 13 followed by a nice dollop of Dexter to finish the night off.

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