Wednesday 13 October 2021

Late start nice sunrise, bulbs (a lack of) and a squirrel

I expect you are getting bored of the sunrise now but I am not LOL. Slightly later start today so the sunrise was not quite as impressive as previous days but it still looked lovely and was a great start to the day.

The bathroom light had blown so I went to replace it today only to find that the fitting for that one didn't match any of the bulbs I had spare, typical! I put in a quick order with Amazon to get some tomorrow and we rhad to put up with some alternative lighting for another night. 

We have a new regular visitor to our garden in the form of a squirrel. He is mostly harmless except he managed to ruin our crop of aubergine's that we were growing. Clearly he doesn't like them but taking a bite out of each one just in case meant that we couldn't enjoy them either, little shit! 

Other than that he is in everyday, exploring and coming right up close to the house. Toni has taken to leaving him some nuts out (much to my disgust as they are my nuts LOL). He does like them though and here he is:

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