Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Dead PC, sort of, it's getting better!

Sometimes technology gets right on my tits! Over the last few days my PC has been playing up with constant freezes. Bizarrely it's just been the display that freezes with the PC continuing to function underneath just with no ability to actually do anything until a reboot.

I tried replacing the video driver but this didn't make any difference. I even tried a new video card but the freezes continued.

Next stop was to check all the connections inside the case and to check that everything was tight. At this point my PC refused to boot up at all. There was no power to the motherboard so I figured it was a PSU problem. Sadly we had no compatible ones in the house so I ordered a new one.

Just a tad grumpy I then made sure everything was neat and tidy and hit the power switch. Unbelievably the damn thing then burst back into life! Everything seemed to boot up fine although one of the hard drives wasn't picked up but I can live with that for now.

It could be that the CPU is faulty and that it had a chance to cool down sufficiently to go again, I'm really not sure. Fingers crossed it will limp through until the new PSU arrives and then I can replace it and start more diagnostics!

It wasn't the way I had planned on spending Tuesday night but hey ho, these things happen and it did keep my hand in on PC maintenance!

- Posted using BlogPress on my iPhone

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