Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries makes a mistake

I saw this the other day and just felt incredibly sad. OK this statement actually comes from a 2006 interview but has recently become headline news as a big backfire from Jeffries!

I'm sure the people who shop there don't give a fig one or another but in this day and age it is astonishing to see comments like this being made. Personally I think it is not a sensible business model to write off 47% of your potential market through being a twat and harbouring unkind views that you make public.

Not sure how he could even quantify what makes someone a "cool kid". I am pretty sure that buying A&F is not what makes one cool (although I am sure Michael Jeffries bank account would disagree with this).

As for his comments about "good looking people". Has that man looked in the mirror lately? I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder but it's pretty rich for a man with his sharp looks to be criticising how other people look! I wonder if they keep him away from their shop floors for fear of scaring the customers?

Can you imagine if Apple came out with a statement like that? They would get crucified. Then again, Jeffiries could only dream that A&F were as cool and desired a brand as Apple!

Reminds of a certain Mr Stringfellow and the sort of women he allowed into his clubs! Spot the pattern here? Another bloke with prejudiced views with a face that only a mother could love! LMFAO!

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