Tuesday 1 July 2014

Interesting day, osteopath, Kevin Smith cries, Phineas & Ferb Star Wars trailer

Well it was an interesting day at work today. Mr Cock Up was on the rampage with some astonishing revelations coming out of the woodwork. Some people are clearly in the wrong job. Ho hum LOL

Visited the osteopath on the way home and he was impressed with how things are going already. Still some hard yards to go through but I was very happy. I was bent, pulled, stretched and squashed again but didn't feel quite as ouchy afterwards as I had done last week. I've been given some light stretching exercises to start doing now too. So that's three sessions down, number four is the same time next week!

Kevin Smith has taken a trip to London to see JJ Abrams and visit the set of Star Wars Episode VII.Now this is a man whose judgement I would trust implicitly regarding anything related to Star Wars. This is what he had to say on Twitter and Instagram:
Visited JJ and his EP VII set. I signed the NDA so all I can share are this old Bantha-Tracks subscriber's tears and snotty nose of joy. The Force is WITH this movie. Holy Sith...
I couldn't get the embed code to work so here is the picture of Mr Smith shedding a tear from Instagram, HOLY SITH INDEED!!:

Disney have just released the Phineas & Ferb Star Wars trailer for their Out Of This World weekend. Phineas & Ferb Star Wars is scheduled to be shown on Saturday 26th July.

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