Friday, 26 September 2014

Bendgate, work and Rishta

Some of you may have noticed a considerable amount of backlash against Apple at the moment regarding the bendability of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. This has become known as #bendgate on social media. Personally I think the whole thing is hilarious. Surely it is common sense that you don't put a large phone in a small confined space under pressure and not expect something to happen out of the ordinary! Here are a couple of good articles on how Apple have reacted to #bendgate.

The defining moment for me was Buttz Yoddles' Facebook status which pretty much sums about the stupidity of those complaining about #bendgate:
"After seeing these new iphones not being able to withstand a fucking good bending,.. I decided to check the robusticity of some of the products here in Buttzhuttz,.. fucking shocked I was,.. the greenhouse simply shattered when I hit the glass bits with a hammer,.. my kettle is now in bits as it couldn't stand being jumped on,.. and as for the wing mirrors on my Citroen,.. they simply flew off into next door's garden when I attacked them with a common mallet. In fact,... the only sturdy piece of equipment I can recommend,.. is my Slazenger baseball bat,.. which effortlessly glided through my fridge freezer compartments & shelves."

I went to work as normal today as I had feared that my IPL would leave me all red faced but thankfully everything looked fine so it was business as usual. I can't tell you how much of a relief that was! It was a productive day at work both backlog and process wise which was a welcome change :)

After work we made the decision to go and have dinner at Rishta rather than cook. We haven't been round there for a while so it made a welcome change.

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