Sunday, 14 September 2014

Reading, IPL marks, The Clone Wars, Star Wars LCG and Total Recall

Despite a late night I was up pretty early today. Toni was in the bath for hours so I took the opportunity to do some reading. I should really make more time to read over playing games and/or watching stuff.

The good news is that my IPL marks are reducing nicely. Still visible but definitely going which is a positive

Breakfast was gluten free chicken nuggets and gluten free tiger bread and boy was it good! Copious amounts of tea and watching The Clone Wars from the beginning again was followed by crashing out on the sofa. Must have needed that.

In the afternoon Sam and I battled it out as Jedi v Sith in a game of Star Wars Living Card Game (LCG). It was a close fought game with Sam just scraping through a Sith win. Yes I am usually Sith but I decided to do something different for a change LOL.

The evening finished with Arnie's version of Total Recall after we had been talking about how you can now book a one way ticket to be part of a Mars colony. The effects might be a tad on the ropey side now but it's still a fantastic film.

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