Saturday, 6 September 2014

New fings, preparing for IPL, IT Crowd and Dogma

Toni presented me with some wonderful new things today. This made me very happy and I was extremely thankful.

First up was this awesome t-shirt

Which looks great with these fabulous boots!

Toni bought Sam this t-shirt:

This one was hers:

This morning I booked an appointment for next Saturday to go and see a consultant at Avalon Laser Clinic with a view to me embarking on a course of IPL laser hair removal on my face! I am really excited about this as I hate having to shave every day just to try and look more feminine and not having to do it anymore will be great!

As a result of Sam's t-shirt we ended up having a bit of an IT Crowd fest with Series 1 and 2 getting a full run through. The evening finished off with Kevin Smith's wonderful Dogma.

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