Wednesday 23 July 2008

How do you tutu?

Hazel is doing some modelling on Friday but she was sadly lacking in the tutu department. Strangely enough your truly has a couple of tutus so offered to lend them to her. She popped round after work tonight and borrowed, my old faithful, my naughty shorty, plus a skirt that I got cheap that I can't quite fit into yet! Hazel will probably have to pin them a bit but at least she has something to work with now.

Was good to have a quick catch up and see that she is doing well. Her medical issues are nowhere near as bad as she thought and she seems so much happier now she has put Ed, her ex, well and truly in his place.

Whilst drinking tea it was amusing to see her reading texts from Dan saying that Iz had just thrown up in the car twice! Bad news is that now she is home she is still very poorly. Get well soon Iz!

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