Monday 3 May 2010

BBQ, MW2, V and South Park

We decided it was BBQ day today no matter what!
The sun was shining when we got up so we shot off to Asda to buy the essentials.

Doing the BBQ was certainly interesting! We had four types of weather throughout the whole process. We had sun, cloud, rain and then, believe or not, hail stones before returning back to clouds and sun! The elements couldn't stop me though and the BBQ was a great success. Made all the pain of sorting the garden out worth it LOL!

Toni had to leave early today as she needed to get Gemima back to London so that she could see her dad.

I then spent the afternoon playing Modern Warfare 2 (well I got my arse served to me on a plate by Sam and Connor) and messing about with more iPhone apps.

After Livvy and Connor had left Sam and I then watched Smackdown, V and started working out way through South Park series 13.

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