Saturday 25 November 2017

Godless, The Punisher and Star Trek Discovery

It was a goggle box day today as we kicked back and chilled.

We watched the first episode of Godless, a new wild west TV show on Netflix. It shows lots of promise so it will be interesting to see how things develop with this one over time.

This morning we finished The Punisher. What a brilliant ending to a fantastic series and a great setup to Season 2 if things go that way. Marvel really did excel when they put this series together and it is the best one so far. Not bad for a spin-off from the Daredevil show. I am glad they did it though as The Punisher has always been a favourite of mine so it was good to see something that actually did the character justice and this was head and shoulders above any of the films.

We then embarked on a journey into space with Star Trek Discovery. My interest in Star Trek TV shows has always been a bit hit and miss. I liked some The Original Series stuff, The Next Generation was good and I quite liked the different angle that Deep Space Nine took. Voyager started well and I loved Janeway's character but it started to fizzle out and Enterprise was awful so I had no real excitement about a new series. Toni had watched some of it and said it was worth a shot.

Colour me impressed, the new take on things is pretty good. I like the new characters and it has a fresh feel to it despite also managing to maintain a very clear Star Trek blueprint behind it. Ended up binge watching the whole season! Check it out:

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