Sunday, 4 May 2014

Dolmen Grove Essex Beltane Ritual

It was Dolmen Grove clan time again as we headed over to East Tilbury for the Dolmen Grove Essex moot Beltane Ritual. We picked up Mandy from Witham first and then headed to the venue.

The alter was beautifully set up

The Beltane Ritual was a thing of beauty. Bel Sanderson ran it and was nice and short but very well done and meaningful. Even better was including a Rite Of Passage ritual for her son Tobi. It was a pleasure and an honour to have been involved in that part of things. It was a lovely calm atmosphere and one of the best gatherings that we have had so far. A big thank you has to go to Wendy Darling for hosting the event and opening up her home to us all.

After the ritual we spend hours having drinks and nibbles and just chatting and sharing. Really insightful chatting to everyone and it was great to catch up and hang out with no rush to leave.

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