Sunday 3 December 2017

A Toxic goodbye as superfans assemble and get #inTOXICated one last time

Today was the final two shows of The Toxic Avenger The Musical. Sam, Zoe and I were booked in to see both the matinee and final evening performance.

We were NOT disappointed! The matinee performance had us returning to the front row again for some close up action. Props were on standby and we had a great show. It was nice to see the backstage crew adding a little Xmas pizazz to things.

It was a quick changeover between shows so we grabbed a bite to eat and then we started distributing additional props to the superfans that were around us to make sure that things went out with a bang! It was an amazing final show. The cast were on fire, the crowd were on fire and you could feel the love throughout the theatre.

After the show the superfans gathered for photos, autographs and to thank the cast and crew for all the enjoyment they had brought us.

It's been an incredible ride and we've all had so much fun. Sam walked away the record holder with 14 visits, Mr Ian Day had 12, I had 10 and Zoe had a very respectable 5 by the end. So much joy was brought to us by an amazingly talented cast.

A BIG THANK YOU to the cast Ben Irish, Natalie Hope, Emma Salvo, Oscar Conlon-Morrey, Ché Francis, Peter Bindloss and Sophia Lewis.... and Mark Anderson.

A BIG THANK YOU to director Benji Sperring and Katy Lipson of Aria Entertainment and to Alex Beetschen and all the musicians plus every member of the crew without whom this would not have been possible!

A BIG THANK YOU to David Bryan and Joe DiPetro for writing the play and music and lyrics

A BIG THANK YOU to Uncle Lloyd Kaufman and Troma for creating The Toxic Avenger in the first place!

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