Thursday 8 January 2009

Things are well and truly on the up!

For those that might have read about the "rocky" last weekend I just want to let you know that it's all change now.

Toni and I have been texting and talking every day and our relationship has gone back to being really exciting again. I don't know if this is anything to do with it but Toni couldn't come on Wednesday due to commitments with Gemima and so in not seeing each other midweek our anticipation for the weekend has increased to an off the scale rating. It's not really fun missing her but the excitement leading up to seeing her again is amazing.

We also had a chance to have a serious chat yesterday about our feelings which has just strengthened what we have and made us both feel better with the way we feel towards each other.

Tomorrow is Friday and I can't wait to see Toni. That's what it is all about!

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