Thursday, 28 June 2012

Clown shoes, heat, nice dinner and stuff

Today was a day for the clown shoes! They were coming at me from all directions at one point. I was actually starting to question whether we were a professional organisation at all! It took far too much effort to put out all the fires and get things sorted but we got there in the end. Methinks some people need to have their butts kicked so that the rest of us can get one with some real work rather than having to clean up the mess created by others!

None of this was helped by the ever increasing temperature either. I was hot and grumpy by the time I got home and it was my turn to cook as well! Chicken and a cool salad was prepared and we ate out in the garden as there was a nice breeze by the time everything was ready so it was nice and cool outside although both Aaron and Gemima complained that they were chilly! PFT!

After dinner, with the kids dispersed to the four corners of the house Toni and I went into the office for tea and meringues to do some work (well Toni did and I started preparing a future blog post).

After the office duties were over it was time for a final round of shaving ready for our night out tomorrow.

I shall leave you with this little chuckle though:

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