Saturday, 9 June 2012

Girly time and waxing

After two days of being sick it was good to feel better again. With all the kids being away we took full advantage of our time!

Girl mode was fully engaged. Toni got down to some serious waxing which was actual quite pleasurable for me too. We used Veet's Easywax Electrical Roll-On device which was simply magical. I would highly recommend this for anyone that indulges in waxing.

Suitably waxed I then enjoyed slipping into some nice clothes and then we chilled out, had dinner and watched Haywire. Not a bad film overall. Toni cooked an incredible pork fillet with bacon stuffed with Camembert and spinach. It was totally gorgeous!

Following some extra dressing up we then watched Red Dwarf before hitting the pit.

- Posted using BlogPress on my iPhone

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