Friday 1 May 2015

Rangers sadness, Toni unwell and Mortdecai

Woke up to the disappointment and sadness of finding out that the New York Rangers choked up game one of their second series game against Washington Capitals in the last two seconds of the game. Gutted! What made matters worse was hearing that the Ducks destroyed the Flames 6 - 1 in their game.

To make things worse Toni has become unwell. We believe it might be Weymouth Pague, a nasty thing that manifests itself after Dolmen events down in Dorset. I guess this sign is true then LOL

As a result of this Chinese food was ordered to try and make things better LOL

We watched Mortdecai with dinner. It's a bit of a silly crime comedy romp that reminded me a lot of the old Peter Sellers Pink Panther movies. Unfortunately Johnny Depp can probably never play another role again without somehow channeling Jack Sparrow and there were shades of that in this. It's not a clever film but has some very funny moments.

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