Saturday 17 December 2016

The best laid schemes.....

o' mice an' men, gang aft a-gley. A-gley the schemes did go, bugrit!

Today we were supposed to go to Stonehenge to take part in the Dolmen Grove Winter Solstice access. We jumped on the car with mum to go and pick up Giselle and the car made some loud noises that Toni was not very happy with. We got to Giselle's and dropped off some stuff that we had transported for her and I did a crawl around to see if I could work out what was causing the noises. I came up blank and as Toni didn't want to take any risks driving such a long distance and back we decided to abandon the Stonehenge plan. We were totally gutted.

We had a cup of tea with Giselle to calm down a bit and then headed off to Kwik Fit to see if they could take a look at the car. Sadly they were really busy so told us to come back tomorrow just before they opened and we'd definitely be sorted then. Disappointed we headed back home and en route went and bought lots of lovely things from Tesco for dinner and snacking.

Toni cooked up a delicious fish pie for dinner and we chilled out watching some ice hockey, Disney's animated Christmas Carol from 2009 and some QI.

Despite the plans all going wrong we still ended up having a really good day.

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