Tuesday 1 September 2020

Lies, damned lies and Body Fixers

Back to work today after a nice bank holiday break. As it was the first of the month I was up to my eyes in pulling data to feed into various management chains. I don't know who many times I have questioned the validity and use of these but nobody seems to want to rock the boat so I shall continue to get the data. This seemed quite apt!

I shall continue to bang my "why do we need this data and how is it being used" drum for the rest of my life and I don't think I will ever get a satisfying answer from anyone up the line. Of course it doesn't hope that extracting this data can be time consuming although by the end of the day I had at least created some tools to make the job easier next month.

After the day was over it was time to relax and watch a load of episodes of the freshly dropped Season 2  of Body Fixers.

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