Tuesday 8 September 2020

Procedure day, Fall Guys, The First Purge and some hockey

Today was procedure day. We were up early for Toni to get ready and our neighbour very kindly drove her  to the hospital and dropped her off. Due to the current state of play in the world I had to stay at home. Once she had gone I was rattling around the house like trying to occupy myself.

Made sure everything was stable with work and then Sam and I engaged in some PS4 multiplayer fun (in separate rooms of course). Our game of choice was the utterly bonkers Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout. Sam had described it as Takeshi's Castle with jelly bean people and he wasn't wrong!

The game is hilarious and each level is quite short of even if you get knocked out you can watch your chum still competing. Most of the time I was watching Sam progress but it was great fun LOL. Definitely one of the best £15.99 I have spent on a game!

Sam popped out to get us some supplies and at 12:30 Toni messaged me to say that she was back up on the ward and the procedure went well which was great news. I then had to twiddle my thumbs for the next couple of hours

Sam and I synced up watching The First Purge together as we'd not seen that one yet to kill off the time before I had to go to the hospital. This was the fourth instalment of The Purge movie franchise and it wasn't bad. We'll have to get round to watching the TV series at some point too.

Well worth a watch if you like The Purge films. 

One return Uber ride later and Toni was safe back home. She was in good spirits so I made her some lunch and then we had a nice socially distanced chat with Sam in the garden.

New York Islanders v Tampa Bay Lightning was the order of the night as w caught up with the first game of the Eastern Conference Finals. Lightning came out with something to prove and led the first period 3 - 1. The Lightning didn't sit back and the second period ended with them leading 5 - 1. The steamroller kept on coming as the Lightning won with an astonishing 8 - 2 scoreline to lead their series 1 - 0.

I then spent the rest of the evening playing Fall Guys and giving Toni a good laugh at the same time.

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