Saturday 19 December 2020

Relaxed day

It was quite a relaxed Saturday. Got up, watched some Louis Theroux and had breakfast. Toni and I put up some additional festive things. We watched the final of Hell's Kitchen and many episodes of Botched.

Our government announced a new tier to try and contain the coronavirus pandemic but change the 5 Christmas meet-up window to one day (Christmas day only). Another move that was too late and smacks of even more incompetence. Scrap the tiers, lock the country down for 2 to 3 months and get the new cases number right down to zero (or as near as you can get). The message from the government has been really awful and the rules unclear and the adding of tiers just compounded things. You jut can't trust the public to do the right thing. Just tell them what to do, properly! None of this really impacted us as we didn't have plans outside of our own household but I really feel for those that did who now have to make changes.

A good meme did pop up as a result of all this though, thanks to Chris Rea! Well played!

We also got a a good Spinal Tap based one

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